Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just like any other day...

Oh the love of what can come out of a students mouth... ever just have one of those days when you just think everything a kid says is funny? That was today!

Just as a quick note about Primary Praise: We have changed the time we sing on Sunday, to 11:00 because of the presentation of the bibles to the second graders. Please be in the church choir room at 10:40 in white tops and dark bottoms. I also sent home a PINK HALF sheet with the same info on it.

Kindergartners learned more about the instruments heard in last weeks lesson/video on Peter and the Wolf. They learned what a Clarinet looked and sounded like. They also connected that it was the Cat, in Peter and the Wolf that the clarinet went with, and also.... what Squidward plays on Sponge bob...if that is even how you spell it.

1st and 2nd graders completed their Beat/No Beat lessons with a formal assessment today. Looks like everyone did a nice job on their tests!

Jonah's is starting to put together their song for church on October 18th. We will have a good solid praise song, with some duets in the middle. It will be wonderful!

6th grade bell members can be mind boggling sometimes. After 3-4 weeks in class, they wanted to switch bells! So I let them switch with the PROMISE that the wouldn't ask me next week what bells they played, or where it was on the music! If you want to move that badly, you will know where they are! Surprisingly enough, they played through the first 24 measures without many mistakes. In fact, it was almost better than last week!

Good News choir sang in church this last Sunday and did wonderful! Thanks to all the parents who's child could not make it, for your emails and letters. I really do appreciate you all letting me know when you can't make it. They started a new song in class today, called "I'm a Soldier of the Cross" and they have started learning it all ready!

4th grade chimes, group 2 made it farther than last weeks group, only because they didn't want me to poke fun at them for being as silly as last weeks class was! Either that, or I got better at explaining what I wanted them to do! At either rate, we a moving right along, and I am beginning to see all ready who is interested in becoming handbell players, and who may be in band. Oh the choices!!

Good day over all-
Oh and if you are reading these, please let me know with a post of any kind!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday....because I forgot!

Ok so I didn't forget yesterday, I just didn't have time! I got here at 8:00- left at 3:30 and never stopped to even look at my computer! So all today was, was looking at emails that I had gotten from last Wednesday! AH!!!

Tuesday first!

Kindergarten watched Peter and the Wolf and we had to practice closing our eyes and sticking our fingers in our ears to show that we didn't want to see the wolf! I do think however, that no one was frightened, and we learned something about the instruments that accompany the video. Ask your children what a Kettle Drum is!

2nd graders are now able to understand Beat, rhythm and pattern, and they also know that patterns don't just happen in math, but in music as well! We however, have to work on making sure that our rhythm sticks stay quiet when I am talking!

1st graders listened to a variety of "Styles" of music, everything from classical (Mozart's Dies Irae) to ROCK AND ROLL! (The new song from Transformers- New Divide) to Opera and Country. We discussed how we could tell that each one of those songs fit into one or more of those categories.

Jonah's Wailers listened to Andrew Johnston , a 13 year old boy from Britain sing "Pie Jesu" If you ever want to trick your students into thinking that all girls sing high, and all boys sing low... think again! 3 of the 36 said it was male, the rest believed it was a female singing. Here is the link to the youtube site if you want to hear him sing:

6th grade bells reached their goal today of 1-24, fairly efficiently. They also listened to their song on CD and tried to play along with it... That was pretty scary! They weren't quite ready to play it that quickly!

Good News choir is singing this Sunday(at 8:00am), so they learned and polished the remained of their song. They are singing it tomorrow for chapel as well.

4th grade chimes can tell you one thing from our class today... after you play measure 1, you ??? PLAY MEASURE 2!!!! What a revelation they all had! We had a good laugh after our neurons had finally connected theory with practice! Let's just hope that those synapse stay connected until next week!


Good News choir sang very well for chapel this morning, we could have sung louder, but we had never practiced outside before! See you all on Sunday!

Oh advanced band. . . after listening to the recording this afternoon, you are going to want to practice more than you have ever practiced before! Amazingly enough I was able to listen to it once through, after that, I wanted to erase it from my memory. And after you hear it tomorrow... oh the torture! we will know what to fix! I really do apologize in advance for not having enough battery to tape you the second time around. It really was much better! When I get more tech savvy, I will put the recordings on the blog to let your parents hear the torture!!

Beginning Band is chugging right along with their first few notes! Our assignment, due tomorrow in class is ww/br- 5, 6, 7 and Dr- 10, 11, 12. Watch yourself in the mirror! Some of you look like you are in pain when you play!! We also discussed how you should practice when at home. No TV or radio (unless using the accompaniment CD) and try to be free from other distractions. Practice at least 10-15 continuous minutes without being interrupted, and if you get stuck on something, formulate a question to ask me in the next class period.

3rd graders got to experience Music Ace for the first time. Music Ace is a computer software program that is designed to teach the students about the staff and how to read the notes. It is all interactive and works very well on the smart board (too bad I don't have one!) We made it through lesson one today with very little trouble. Next week- on to lesson two!

8th grade bells listened to their Holy Jesus Think on Me, and was able to successfully play with the CD until about measure 26, when the reason it is a Level 2 piece came into play, the key change! Oh please! There are NO Bb in the Key of G!!!!! Thanks to those who stayed after to make sure the room was clean!

Off to rehearsal...again!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Thanks to the 5th grade drummers for providing today's blog title!

Advanced band really really missed the 6th grade today... did you?? They did their Bb concert scale test today, and learned about how to tune their instruments with the electronic tuner. We also started "In the Hall of the Mountain King". Their assignment is to practice measures 1-33, making sure they have rehearsed the staccato (short) technique.

Beginning Band started with their instruments today! I have 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, 1 trumpet, 1 baritone and 2 percussionists. It is a fairly balanced group, but we sure do miss having a saxophone player! Their assignment today is to practice long tones on the note they learned today. (Trumpets and clarinets "G" and Flutes and Baritone "F") Drummers are practicing 1-5 and making up their own rhythm to perform in class tomorrow. Your first practice card is due NEXT Wednesday, 50 minutes total.

3rd grade finished up their matching worksheet today. What beautiful work you all did!

8th grade bells got two new songs today, and we have progressed to level 2 music. So many key changes, so little time!! Joyful canticle and Holy Jesus think on me. To hear Holy Jesus think on me go to this website: http://www.jwpepper.com/catalog/lsearch in the search category put this number in: 20/1469L, then select MP3 audio. You will need windows media player to play the song.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Alien Abduction

Have you ever had one of those days when you feel like you have been abducted by aliens, and they have replaced your brain with goo? Well, that was today! I was woke up this morning at 6:30 (and if you know me, you know that this is not a pleasant hour for me!) by a plethora of jackhammers tearing up my street. Did they bother to tell me that I wasn't going to be able to get out of my driveway when I needed to go to school? NO. Of course not. Needless to say, I was late and the goo in my brain was starting to ooze out all ready.

Kindergartners did not have class today, but we will see them on Thursday!

1st and 2nd grade both had an in class assignment to draw what they heard on the CD I had playing, and congrats to E.E. (you know who you are!!) for getting "Popcorn" by Gershon Kingsley. I can't say that I could have even told you the name of the song when I was in college! He said "I heard that on Crazy Frog! It is called "Popcorn"! I just stared at him, ooze coming out of my brains again! As I sit here, I am listening to the crazy frog version of the song. You should check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXrnKGSShMk&feature=fvw

Jonah's came into class today and asked why there was an aisle between their seats. If they told you it was because the sopranos think that the altos have cooties, they are lying to you! I told them that one of the most important things for me as a teacher is to be in the middle of the choir to listen to how they sing. Sometimes directors can fall into the trap of standing up front and hearing only one perspective of the music. So I get right in there with them and help sing. I hope they didn't think I had cooties! And Chase, I still think that your aliens need to be named Bob and Steve!

6th grade bells got a new song today called "Spirit of the Living God" And were successfully able to play the first 8 measures. (With brand new people, and everyone in a different spot from last year, I would say that is pretty fantastic!) Here is a fabulous version of it, with a soloist. It sounds like Michael W. Smith. Enjoy!

The Good News Choir worked SO hard today to get ready for their first time to sing in church this year. I can't believe that we learned about 71 measures of the song in about 37 minutes!! It got to be so hot in my classroom (even with a fan!) that kids were starting to fall asleep and I think that their brains were turning to goo... I will just leave it at that!

4th graders learned about the grand staff and what handbell/chime music looks like and were taught how to find their notes on the music. So many symbols, so little time! Ask your 4th grader what notes they play, and see if they can remember!

Hopefully, tomorrow the alien goo should be dried up and I will be ready to teach!

5th grade Band members! Bring those instruments tomorrow!
Advanced band, better have those practice cards, even if you didn't practice! (which I hope you did!!!!!!!!!)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The One Forgiven Chance!

Thank you the one lone 6th grade flute player for the title of today's blog :)

The title came from the fact that only 1 of the 27 kids in band turned in their first practice card of the year (Due today). They should have all failed and all gotten a detention! I forgave them all and this is the ONE forgiven chance! Every Wednesday 50 minutes are due, or else they get a check and a failing grade. I am pretty sure that we will all be turning in their cards next week!
Things to make sure to talk to your children about-band wise: A practice card must be turned in every week, signed by the parent, EVEN if they did not practice! Part of my masters degree is the documentation of practice cards. Thanks! There is a TEST next week (Wednesday) on the Bb concert scale. Don't know what that means? ASK ME!

Band has ALMOST chosen their instruments! See you this Friday night (September 11) at beginning band night at St. Luke. Questions? Call me at school! They had an assignment- in class- most of them finished. Not finished? We still have tomorrows class!!

3rd grade had a music Symbols matching game. We got to color with pretty crayons and colored pencils! We will finish it next week.

8th graders! I can't believe how many of you wanted to play bells! WHY didn't you come last year!!! anyway, welcome to the newbies... dive in!

And I am out............

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Beat- NO Beat

Kindergartners listened to the story of Peter and the Wolf today. They thought it was amazing how each instrument went with a person or an animal. Who would have thought that they would even pick up on that yet? Of course, an Oboe and a Duck really do sound the same!

2nd grade learned about the strong and weak beats in music. They each had a chance to come up to the front of the room and play a rhythm that I had given them earlier. Everyone seems to have a great idea of steady beat, and can follow a written and oral rhythm. Way to go 2nd graders!

1st graders listed for me today what has a beat and what doesn't! Can you imagine what they were giving me? Elephants, giraffes and waterfalls! I suppose elephants can have a beat when they walk! What do you think?

Jonah's is loving the new song I passed out... Climbin up the mountain... children! Ask them about it. Any 8th grader will sing the entire song for you all ready!

6th grade bells-18 kids in a class that should have 11-13. Oh we are going to have so much fun this year! Actually it will work out! It will be my first 5 octave choir that I have ever directed! Rock on 6th grade!

Good News choir (3-5) met for the first time this school year, and the choir has a new accompanist this year... Welcome to Mrs. Tirsell! Mrs. Brown is taking the year (or so) off. We learned all of the lovely procedural items, and we sang a few All God's people sing songs, and we started our song for the first church date, September 27th at 8:00

The 4th graders started chimes today! Make sure to ask your student about that They were very excited!

Have a wonderful Tuesday and see you all tonight at the curriculum night!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 4 and tired already!

I can't believe that it is only the 4th day of school and I am tired! Guess I should have started getting up earlier, earlier!

Primary Praise (grades 1 and 2) met today and we learned how to file into the classroom, sit properly in our chairs (for good breath support), learn to hold our songs books, and to use our singing voices, not our shouting voices and we sang Jesus Loves me and Twinkle Twinkle. There are 50 kids in this class! WOW!

Jonah's met again today and I had a few new recruits, so welcome Adam, Mandy and Julian!

Beginning band is trying out instruments today! Some of us have all ready made their decision! YaY for band!

Advanced band's assignment is Hex- 1-17 and the others from yesterday.

7th grade bells have new positions today! Some again, are not happy, and some are ecstatic! Thanks to Emily for doing 4 in hand!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Band, Bells or Choir... That is the question!

I had a flood load of children come to me today with the same ol', same ol'. "Mrs. Scheiderer, I don't want to be in _____ anymore! I have this to do and that to do, and I have so much homework and sports and dance and I have to sleep sometime! And I tell each and everyone the same response: 1. I don't want to lose you! You have been a valuable member of my musical groups, and each one of you contribute to the program your musical abilities and gifts! 2. It is all about time management and what you truly want to be involved in. If you truly love what ever group you are in, you will find a way to do it. I told the kids about my busy life and schedule and how my responsibilities to school come first and fun comes in second. 3. If you don't truly love it, why did it take you this long to figure it out, who is influencing your decision to switch or drop a class? Obviously if a parent has stated that you cannot be in a certain group, then that is their decision. (of course I would like to talk to them about it, and maybe it is all a misunderstanding! You never know!) and finally 4. There is a certain way to go about dropping a music class, and it is not bombarding me with excuses! :) First, your parents have to write a letter to me explaining why you chose to drop a class, second, they and you have to sign the letter, and third, Mr. Kennedy has to read the letter and approve the decision to drop. It makes a smoother transition, and we know the exact reason why that student is no longer taking a certain class.

Now: On to the day!

Advanced band met for the first time this year and they were ambushed with a lot of information and expectations! The biggest expectation this year is learning how to practice, practicing more, and to actually take their instruments home every week! They also have an incentive to practice, so ask your kids about the music store! They are also doing a fundraiser to raise money for the band program. Our ultimate goal is to raise 2000.00 to buy a tuba for the school and some more percussion instruments. Look for information on that next week. Assignment is: Hexagony- Ms 1-13 Air of Nobility Measures 1-13 Hall of the Mountain King Measures 1-10.

Beginning band listen to me explain about the changes that have been made to the 5th grade schedule this year. Because there is no 5th grade handbells, all students are asked to come to band for tomorrow only just to try out the instruments to see if they may like to join. The entire class got a note from me explaining all the changes and other things, so 5th grade parents, look for that note!

3rd grade came to me today and I pretended that I had forgotten all about what they learned last year, and that they had to help remind me what they did. They just thought I was halirious! "What do you mean you forgot how to write a sharp or a flat Mrs. S??? You are supposed to be our teacher!" This year, the 3rd grade is going to learn how to read music, treble and bass clef, that way when they go to recorders next year, we won't have to worry about that!

8th grade bells was cut short today for an assembly, but we still met and they were assigned new positions. Some were happy and some, not so much! Don't blame me! Blame the randomness of the draw! Hopefully they will grow to love their new places! They will recieve their gloves; black, velco, with dots next week, along with all their new music. Good luck to them this year!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Did my child go to music today? Find out what they did here!

I meet the Kindergartners today, they are so sweet! We learned each others names, and told each other about what we liked. (most of them said, Skunks... because that was what the first person said!) We looked around the room to see what we noticed that was musical. Their eyes went right to the painted instruments on the wall. I was pleasantly surprised to see that they knew the names of most of the instruments. Rock on!

2nd grade came and I met a new student who is very sweet, she and told me that in her previous school she learned about Australian instruments. How fun! We learned about steady beat and how important it is for a band or choir to master this very easy musical idea.

1st graders learned about the importance of the diaphragm when singing. They were excited when they learned that if they touched their stomach, they could feel those muscles moving. They sang their names to me on two pitches, some did more than that, and they did this while feeling their stomachs move up and down, in and out. Very fun! I also met some very sweet new kids today in 1st grade!

Jonah's Wailers Choir: Grades 6, 7, 8( I know, pun on words!) met today and we welcomed the new 6th graders and got them familiarized with how things work in the older choir. I asked them to come up with goals to meet for the year. Here are some of the things they came up with: Fuller, more supported sound, pay attention to smaller details, such as dynamics and balance among the groups, invite more of their peers into choir (especially the gentlemen) and to work on less songs, but choose more difficult pieces to sing. Here are my goals for the choir: To achieve a higher rating than last year in Music Festival, Ask for parents to volunteer their voices during sectionals, to possibly lead a class or just observe what happens to increase student awareness, and to have at least 45% of the students participate in Solo and Ensemble this year. We are all excited to start the year!

6th grade handbells is going to be challenging this year. There were 19 kids that showed up today, wanting to play. If you know about handbells, you know that a typical choir is 11 kids. We may end up having to audition, or split the class into two groups like last year. If your child is interested in being in the zero hour morning class (Tuesdays from 7:15 am-7:55 am), please let me know. There will be a sheet that goes home for you to fill out and return with your preference.

4th graders were told today about the layout for the year, and what to expect in music class.
Here is a quick run down of their curriculum for the year: Sept- Nov 6- Chimes, Nov 9-Jan 15- composers and composing, Jan 19-end of the year- Recorders. More to come on the progress of this class!
What a great first full day of school!