Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Yeah for the ice cream social tonight. Too bad I can only make it to half of it!

Kindergarten saw the violin today, and thought for sure that I was going to hold it wrong, and make it sound terrible! Well, I definitely held it correctly, but they were right when it came to making it sound terrible! Unfortunately, I wanted Kyle to come in and demonstrate it for us, but he had to be taking the MEAP. (Sorry Kyle!) So I did the best I could with explaining an instrument I never learned how to play. We also watched a video on Youtube that showed a 5 year old girl playing Vivaldi's Concerto # 1 on violin. Can you even imagine? Here is the link if you are interested! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7ILP7bbd-g&feature=related

2nd grade learned about the highs and lows, fast and slows, etc of music today. They drew a picture to represent each of those musical terms. Should be interesting to see what they drew for me!

1st graders have learned all about how to use their voice, and today they had to decide about what they heard in 4 examples. How many voices do you hear, and is it a child's voice or an adults voice. Sometimes it was difficult to determine the difference between an adult female and a young adult female. We also learned a tongue twister- Let's see if you can say it! "The big black bug bit the big black bear and made the big black bear bleed, black blood." Have fun!

Jonah's will be singing in chapel tomorrow, so "Look what God is Doing" will hopefully sound beautiful!

6th grade bells made it all the way through their song, yet, we still need work, considering we had to count out loud all the way through it! We are getting there!

Good News sang with all their heart today! They are starting to really learn what it means to sing in two part. And that can be difficult at age 8,9, 10! When they get to Jonah's Wailers I won't have to teach them how to do that, and we can move on to three and four part!

4th grade chimes is really kicking along. We made it to measure 16 today! Well, some of us did, and others of us... maybe still back at measure 1!!

See you all tonight!!


  1. It's ok, Mrs. Scheiderer!
    I hope that we can get someone else in the school to play the violin too. That is, before I leave 8th grade.


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